New Year Home Improvement Projects

Making a New Year’s resolution is easy. Accomplishing your goals - well that can be another story. How does one achieve goals?

Setting an intention, getting organized and planning out the process is the first step.

And commitment!

Without commitment - it can be very challenging to achieve your desired outcome.

Many home improvement and renovation projects can drag on or never get finished, and the costs can add quickly if you don't budget properly while doing your research.

A small upgrade can go a long way!

Here are some suggestions.

New Faucets
Upgrading faucets and showerheads can add a fresh new style at a low cost and can be completed in just a few hours.

Be sure to measure existing fixture holes carefully (selecting the right size for your sink or shower is key) before purchasing new fixtures. Don't forget to shut off water valves and follow the directions if you decide to do this project yourself.

Think green! If you choose energy-efficient fixtures, you may get better water pressure than your older hardware, which can save you money on your water bill.

Dated Furniture
Every homeowner has at least one piece of furniture that was passed down or is tired and dated.

With the new year approaching, pick one of your least favourite pieces of furniture and give it some love—for example, you can sand it, prime it, and add a glossy coat of paint or lacquer. Viola! You now have a new piece. Or if you're not into DIY projects, donate it or trash it and treat yourself to a new piece!

Front Door
A beautiful front door is not only the first impression but is one of the most impactful aspects of a home.

Consider adding millwork to your entryway. Pull elements of indoor style outdoors to give your exterior a sophisticated and dramatic look.

A bold and fresh coat of paint with new hardware can also go a long way!

When was the last time you had your carpets cleaned? A small investment in a professional cleaning can revive your carpets and improve your family's health.

Vacuuming regularly removes dirt, dust, and pet hair, but a proper carpet-cleaning service will remove stains, allergens, dust mites, and grit.

Small upgrades can be incredibly rewarding and pays off if you decide to sell your home in the near future. You don’t need a big budget for upgrades and meaningful changes. Start off with these suggestions and see where inspiration takes you.


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